Sunday, November 2, 2008

a recipe for stew

I couldn't sleep very much last night I don't know why, but it was annoying, maybe because it was raining like a mother bitch. oh well.
I woke up at around 7:00 and then couldn't get back to sleep maybe I slept for like 4 hours perhaps but that's cool. Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid al Maktoum (such a mad dude) has like 3 hours of sleep a night and he's still a freshlord, WOW.
Yeah, then I read all about greek gods for some reason, I can't remember how I got there? Hmm I think there was an onion article and it had the word -'coagulation' and I thought, I don't like coagulation, no that's not how it went WTF. god damn. OMG that's right there was an article about Zeus turning into a bull and stuff and I was like wow cool. so I ended up reading about the Olympians for a while, that was cool. Zeus is a bastard haha. no but really they're all fucked up.

Maths exam, I don't really remember it, I think most of it ws okay? some I was just like WAT THE FUCK IDK
oh well.
dad picked me up.
and then I cleaned me room up a bit more, it's so fresh. yesterday we went to Harvey Norman and I got a new CHAIR I LOVE IT A A A A LOT I could go to sleep in it. Also we looked for a new TV for me and was going to get a pretty cool one for I think $600 but then I was like nah don't even need a TV thanks anyway.

Also, how the fuck to I expect to pass these exams. Okay it's not so bad because for English, well I wouldn't have a clue how to even study for that it's just use your brain and make something up. So I probably did not very good but luckily I got all A's on SACS throughout the year so I can have an average of at least B, inshallah, if I did okay on the exam. Oh well. And maths, well I have a tutor that's the only way I know ANYTHING, which is still not much. and today just just multiple choice what about when I have to do it myself? Oh god.
And as for psychology, FUCKKKKKKKKK. Okay honestly I sort of stopped doing any work at the start of term 3, I don't know why. like before that I might have done maybe an hour of study a week, and most of my homework, but then I just stopped paying attention, the possibility of actually doing work doesn't even like seem possible like when mums like 'go study' I just think like 'oh no I have to sit there doing nothing for a while,' like I would never think 'maybe MAYBE I should actually do work. I don't even know how. I only pass SACS by studying on the day/night before, but I cant do that for an exam, and I dont even think Ill be able to do that. OH DEAR.

god damn.
i havent done anything this week ever, whatever. fucking hell i keep listening to this song on repeat, 34 times now, and that's very annoying because it will just make me hate it soon. dig?
nothing else.


What was the last movie you saw in the theaters?: god, i really don't remember mate.........
Penguins or poodles?: penguins ^^
What's the craziest article of clothing you own?: haha um i don't have crazy clothes
Do you own an iPod? What kind?: yes, um, i dont know, just a normal one, it's white
What's your relationship status?: bitch be cool
Are you happy with that?: yeah
Winter or Summer?: agaga winter, aww nah I feel sorry for Dementer, but I also hate hot weather. screw you.
What did you do today?: read about greek gods for 1.5 hours went to school had maths exam
What are you plans for this weekend?: nothing. buy elr.
What's your biggest pet peeve?: i have a lot grrr
What's your favorite genre of music?: umm 'alternative' haha idk that covers a lot doesn't it
What does your 11th text in your inbox say?: what time you going to go?
On average, how many texts do you receive each day?: say...2.
Are you close with your family?: i guess
What was the last book you read?: i'm not into reading
Do you watch American Idol?: no
What's your favorite TV show?: everybody loves raymond
What's your pets name/s?: woody, gretchen weiners
What's the closest purple object?: nailpolish
Anything exciting coming up?: dunno, finishing school?
How long until your next birthday?: like 4 or 5 months
Any plans for it?: none
Have you already made your Christmas wish list?: no, i want to though
If so, what's on it?: seasons 2, 3, 9 of elr
What's on your bed right now?: my dog =] =] and pillows and such
What can you currently hear?: the traffic outside, and 'me boy we sold the lot!blah blah
Where's your favorite getaway spot?: don't have one
Currently mad at anyone?: no not really
Do you currently like someone?: dunno
Do they like you back?: no
What's the most random thing in your room?: dunno, canvas covered in blood or a picture of mohammed bin rashid al maktoum... mm
Is there currently anything on your floor?: yes carpet and some bags and my jumper and some photos
What's on your mind right now?: my floor
How often do you get on MySpace?: dunno, every day or so
Do you have a lot of good friends or a few best friends?: something
What's your favorite month?: not may
Do you attend church regularly?: never
Are you registered to vote?: no oh no
If so, who did you/are you voting for?: i have never been able to vote
What do you like best about yourself?: ability to be entertained all the time
What's the first thing you notice in a guy/girl?: dunno
What's your favorite animal?: meerkat
Who was the last person to comment you on MySpace?: i don't know
Do you own a pair of big sunglasses?: no
If you had to label yourself, what would it be?: dumb
How many concerts have you been to?: like 1
Do you have any posters on your wall?: yes love them all
What is the dominant color in your closet?: grey
Do you like Lifehouse?: what
Did you ever own a lava lamp?: yes of course!!!!!!!!
Is there something you're wanting to say to someone right now?: uh huh
What do you do when you're mad at someone?: kill them
What's the best part of winter?: watching neighbours while sitting on the heater and it's dark and eating vegimite on toast. oh wait i don't eat that
Do you care what people think of you?: yeah i guess
What's the most embarrassing thing you own?: everything i own
What type of guy/girl do you usually go for?: ones i don't know
Do you fall for people easily?: not seriously really
What is your best subject in school?: dunno legal studies all pretty shit
What song is currently getting on your nerves?: every one apart to what i'm listening to now

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Generic Blogger said...

That is the worst survey i have ever seen.
Still, lol @ your answer to 'whats on your mind right now?'

obruensfoc said...

lol no way you read that all
i died 13890 times from boredom filling it out