Tuesday, October 14, 2008


I wish that when you kill someone, you become them.

Sunday, October 12, 2008


Hmm this is probably ridiculous but I really miss Sasuke for some reason.
And like yeah it's stupid because it's not like he's gone anywhere, I could just watch Naruto or anything, he's not even dead .. as far as I know.. but I started re-reading the manga and a bit where Sasuke and Naruto are reminded of Sasuke and are all "asdghkadsghkg -_-;" because yeah.. uhm.. but it made me cry!
Okay I just wish he didn't leave! And they didn't all grown up now! Shippuden is awful! Wahwahwah.
AAAANYWAYS. This weekend was painfully boring.. saved only by Maddy visiting on Saturday but then being too much of a lazy dipwit bush pig to do anything on the night time!! What's up with that, man? Instead I walked around Burwood/ Burwood East around midnight time for a while, it was Fresh. It was also really hot today which I hate hate hhhaaaatttteee. Well weather like today I can tolerate but really just one degree more and it's the worstest.

SCHOOL TOMORROW, SICK, except for having to do a BM practice exam, but that's okay because I already looked at the examiners report and can just remember that ehehehehehe.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Cool is everyone writing a blog, yeah I think so.
I can't play WoW on my account anymore, BAWWWWWWW. And even if we didn't have exams in, however many weeks they are in, I am seriously a broke bitch but like some people owe me money so yeah :( But it's okay.
What the hell else. I don't remember what happened at school today?? But after school Vlad gave me and Tom a lift, but then we were at the traffics lights at Warrigal and Riversdale and Michael was sitting at the tram stop, and I was like, oh hi wtf, so we went to my house. Except then my Mom rang and was like HEY I'M GONNA PICK YOU UP RIGHT NOW!! So I was like ok and then she was there and took me here and she's gone shopping or something.
Oh in BM today Mr Frost (my second biggest enemy..) was like 'HEY can I plz speak with rachel' and I was like NO!!!!!!!! but yeah I did and he was just like "Umm you haven't done your VTAC thing" and I was like, "Yeah, but, are me meant to have already" and he was like "Wellll no but the price goes up" and I'm like "Yeah I know all ready ooommmfffggggg"
really angry at that guy I hate him.

I cannot be bothered
to go out tonight, that is a change isn't it, but really, cbf, cbff, to the max.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

I really need to change my password for this thing, all the time I try to update it or whatever but I use #2 hard password which is ridiculous for such a boring thing!! It needs like, #4 at least. Mmyeah.
I am sort of very slowly moving out into this granny flat thingy, where I am now, because I wanna, because Megan is a beast, because it's cooler. I have like some stuff in here.. but I need some cupboards and like 10 more pillows and a TV of course (I missed most of Neighbours and also am missing Friends now and everything and awful!!) and also need to vacuum it really badly. Hey that reminds me of that joke that's like "what's the only job in english that has 2 double letters next to each other" or something and the answer is "vacuu-mman". Actually I don't think it is a joke.
But yeaah I'm just hanging out in my new cribe.

Oh yeah today was biggo English practice exam, only heard about it yesterday and was still a bit WTF? today. It was kind of cool I think like writing about The Kite Runner is really fun I reckon, although usually I prefer The Secret River but that was only for some dumb dumb stupid prompt thing and I was like wtf gaylord I do not want write on that!!!!! IDIOTS!!!!!!!!

What else, this afternoon I spent a while oh what's the word.. COPYWRITING.. no.. CONDENSING... no... CENSORING!!!!! Yes I have been censoring The Mammoth Hunters for Maddy if she wishes to read it next because she is going at a good place with Valley!!! So I hope she does because it would be a bloody shame otherwise. But I'm glad I'm doing this coz now like I can read it goodly as well wooohooooooo get rid of the BAD BITS and replace with normal stuffs.
So I think I'll go do some more of that (there's a lot.. but OMG not as bad as Plains!!! LOL) or maybe I'll play WoW (really nearly lvl40) or maybe watch Ninja Scroll, woowow so many possibles... what will I do...

Monday, October 6, 2008

Today we went back to school it was not bad at all. Like I had a BM Sac that I had noooo clue what it was about but I wrote ummm 6 full pages ad that was all the paper she gave us so meh.
Harry will be here any minute gah why is he always so late? Like seriously? Like I want to watch South Park at 8:30?? God damn.
I hate daylight savings!! Like I always think it's much earlier than it is, then I look at the time and it's like FUGLY I have to go to bed really soon. gahhhh.
The weather was bloody dumb today and it will be tomorrow, but then after that it will be okay eh eh. Weekend.
So hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
I need to clean my room.
I can't be bothered to be back at school, but yeah actually I can because there is only 2 weeks left and that ain't long at all and I LIKE school bugger you!!! Especially the thing over the stairs like it's pretty madfresh and shit.

what ever what ever what ever man
everyone is dumb
except for



Sunday, October 5, 2008

Ahhhh my god it is the last day of the holidays.
I got nothing to say except for a few things. This week was okay I give it 5.5/10.
Today we went to 82B Warrigal Road, it was sooo fresh their house is pretty cool, there was like no furniture. Also the carpet was all brand new, so fucking hot.
The other thing is that I just saw an Ad for like Worksafe maybe, something like that, this guy like a chef guy has to lift this big pot of boiling water I think and it like falls on him and he's like "aUAUUUGUGUGHDFGHKJGHKGHKJEHRGKJ;" and you see him and his whole skin is like melting off and everything. And for some reason I was like WHAT THE FLIP cause like it's not actually bad but you don't usually expect to see that on an ad, ya dig???

Friday, October 3, 2008


UH HUHH. i just got home a bit ago, it's 1:37. Went to Hazels obviously.... so mexican. Um yeah while we were in Camberwell we were like standing around for a bit then went to the a tram at it was exactly 1:00 and it said the last tram was at like 12:44 so we were like FUGLY!!!!!!! So we started to walk (this is me and michael btw) then we are walking and there was some randoms there they were pretty funny and threw an apple or something at a tram and were being really awkward on purspose. then we were likE OMG IS THAT A TRAM???? WHAT?? and it wAS and we were at the stop soo we like got on and got a spotto then got off the tram and I go home.
the end.
what else? Oh yah
Just before I like swear to god I heard woody throwing up in my room i was like WTFF and look everywhere I am like scared to go to bed ;_;
tomorrow is saturdya
or I gues today is

Thursday, October 2, 2008

hello worldd

Aagugugh I just had maths tutor for 3 hours. It was actually not bad at all, I just did and exam and could do pretty much all of it except for a bearings question.. Harry is a funny guy he just like gives me advice about life and what kind of car I should buy and guys to look for and how much I should spend on a meal ($2). So yeah. So that is a grand total of 6 hours I have spent on school work this holidays.
MMMMMMMMmmmmmmm it is already the last Friday of the holidays which is not so bad considering we only have like two weeks left. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

Last night I went with Michael to get fish and chips and then went to his house for a while. IDK but I hate to be in my house like I'd rather be sitting in someone else's house doing NOTHING than be in my own doing something slightly more fun than that........
Is it okay to leave like a thing of milk in your room for a few days or do you have to put it in the fridge?

Mom keeeps talking about Uni and shit, and I'm like BLAHAFHAFH DONT CARE!!
Mexican party tonight OMG so cool. ?????????

What the hell else..... nothing.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

We're the Eagles, we're flying hiiiiiiiiiiigh

Jesus Christ what is up with this weather man. I woke up at maybe 6:07am from a message from Connex saying "Majoe Delays -All trains through Camberwell are delayed up to 30 minutes this morning..." etcetc and I was like "Wahhh" and didn't read it properly and went to sleep, then at about 9:00 I woke up again and read it and thought, HAHAHA 'MAJOE DELAYS', DO YOU PERHAPS MEAN MAJOR YOU BIG IDIOTS, ARE THEY GETTING MADDY TO TYPE OUT THEIR TEXT MESSAGES THESE DAYS? And then that made me think like "oh my God Maddy has RSPCA today and she doesn't even know it I better tell her!!!!!" but then in a bit was like OMG IT'S THURSDAY YOU CRACKHEAD

And yeah then I started crying in my bed because it is literally a thousand billion degrees and I don't like it a bit nonoonono.
Now I am sitting here and soon I will go eat carrot cake and probably 3 cereals and everything in the world. And then I dunno go to Camberwell for a good old fashioned round of SPOTTO

eyy, big geoff!!

Good Evening Maddy came to my house today
We played like Guitar Hero for a bit anddddddddd ate chocolate and yep. And she braught me Jasmine or some shit it is so lovely my room doesn't smell like a dog now. (NOT ME WOODY) Then we got the tram to 7/11 and waited for tram and that was all, except Megan was there and Maddy spottod the shit out of here without knowing it. GOOD JOB MADDY I'LL GIVE YOU A PICTURE FOR THAT


Now I'm watching some infomercial shit.. actually it's pretty cool it's like a pilates muscle machine for Man and Woman!! Actually it's kinda sexist they keep going "Pilates for her, muscle building for him!!" and saying shit like "Men want to have the muscles but us gurls just want to be flexible and have the cute butt in jeans!!!" and "every man wants to have those guns to impress the gurls and all the gurls want to see the guns!!!!!" and so on I'm like HAHAHAH FUCKERS
Also I watched Courting Alex just now for the first time, meh it was okay I give it 3/5 just based on that. It is no Raymond which they should be showing at this time......grrrrrrrrrrrrr...............
bye bye bye
fuck so mad about no party tomorrow. Actually carefactor.


HELLO EVERY GAYLORDS . .. .. .. ! Here I am writing a BLOG
I am eating orange Tic Tacs now it takes me 1 minute to have them all.

5 days until Hello Kitty Online is about!! Which is also the same day that School starts again!!! GOOD?????? Yes I think so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NEIGHBOURS is so Funny..

Sorrento was good!!!!!!!!!!

Who is this DS-Hina and why do I recognize this name?!!

Today I woke up at about 9:30 then spent the rest of the day watching South Park and a bit of Raymondddddd. I love Jewish people now my mom will be SHOCKED.
Kyyyyllllleeeeeeeee I Love You!!

Everybody Loves Raymond is my favourite show EVER
Tomorrow will be the greatest day of the holidays so far except for I have no internet.